Geocaches in Thousand Oaks, CA and surrounding areas:

As you can see, my town is littered with snug geocaches ranging from hilly hike finds to urban park-and-grabs (PAGs). It’s well known in the geocaching community that California is cache-country. It doesn’t matter if you are traveling PCH up to Frisco or heading South into Los Angeles—there’s geocaches everywhere. When I decided to go caching yesterday, I hit about 8 caches and found 5 of them. Given my work attire (slacks and a dress shirt), I had to be picky about what I was going to search for. One individual had hidden a terrain=1 geocache just out of reach, requiring me to scale a very low fence—I wasn’t about to explain the tear in my pants to my wife had I slipped!
All in all it was a good day geocaching, and got our count past 30 caches found. We are small compared to others out there, but the baby comes first!
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